I had to add the above photo of myself with some wonderful short haired women ringing in the New Year.
Certain relationships over the last few years and some of my own self reflection have reminded me to do for myself. One of my best friends since middle school, Janet has always reminded me how great a new hair do can feel, or even just some nail polish. She always held that wisdom of knowing that time and things for YOU, are better for the kids too. My dear friend Theresa (Slim-Dawg) is the mother of three boys. Her hair is always cut to a style, skin looks fantastic, outfit thought out, she is the fashionista of our crew. She reminds us all that eyeliner and jewelry do NOT need to be saved for special events. Wear them, just to celebrate being a woman! Thank you Theresa, you pulled me out of a mini rut once and it changed me forever.
It's a few little things that can make a huge difference in how you feel. I can be a better mom if I can be just me too. I love motherhood, but it does not define me. I was my own person before motherhood, and I am own person through motherhood.
I had very long hair for a very long time. Most of middle school and high school. My senior year I cut and layered it. It was still well past my shoulders and considered long hair, but it was no longer to my waist. After high school I tried everything out. Different medium length styles, layers, bangs, no bangs, short layered do's, A-line bobs, short and spiked with product in the back while long and A-lined in front. Variety is the key to life!
Most recently I cut it the shortest it's been. It just barely covered my ears, and when I went back to trim it up, I cut it shorter, above the ear.
There is something so liberating about hacking all that hair off. It felt like I was saying "fuck you" to someone. No one in particular, it just felt good to say it through expression. Over the last year my hair had gotten so long! I adore the way layers softly frame a face, and wispy side bangs add a soft touch, but I felt weighed down. I felt like with all the shit and baggage you carry around in life, my hair was something I could have control over. I plotted the day I would release myself from its confinement. I patiently waited and pinned short hairstyles I liked on Pinterest.
I had always admired women I had met with very short hair. It made them appear so confident. They didn't need wispy anything to feel soft and feminine. I loved Molly Ringwald, her short red hair. In my early twenties I met a girl named Brandi, short red hair, always appeared confident. In my early thirties I met Theresa (Slim), one of my home skillets, very short hair and it seemed like she sweat confidence from her pores. I instantly admired her. For her confidence, her short hair, and her jewelry wearing for no real reason but to wear it.
I had always admired women I had met with very short hair. It made them appear so confident. They didn't need wispy anything to feel soft and feminine. I loved Molly Ringwald, her short red hair. In my early twenties I met a girl named Brandi, short red hair, always appeared confident. In my early thirties I met Theresa (Slim), one of my home skillets, very short hair and it seemed like she sweat confidence from her pores. I instantly admired her. For her confidence, her short hair, and her jewelry wearing for no real reason but to wear it.
Short hair seems brave, maybe because so many women will make the comment of how much they love short hair but could never do it. They could do it though! They just need to feel confident about rockin' the short locks! It makes the short haired girls appear that much more confident, and confidence is beautiful, no matter what length your hair is. Some women say their man doesn't like short hair. I won't cut my hair for my man, I cut it for me. I'd prefer that he like my hair, but I'm confident in my relationship enough to know he will still be attracted to me even if he doesn't favor my hair cut. The hair is mine.
I've always remembered my aunt Evie's comment to me when I was a teenager with hair down to my waste. I told her I was thinking of cutting it. She told me I should enjoy my long hair while I'm young, because after a certain age, long hair is just a little silly.
I totally get what she is saying now. I'm not (nor was she) implying that long hair always looks silly after mid thirties, but I can see and feel how going short gives you a sense of freedom and control. As you get older you start to learn just how much is not in your control, so having control over your hair, your eyeliner, cute panties, and your confidence definitely helps lighten the load of the heavy things in life.
There is the control to grow it back out too, but I love starting the new year with short, confident hair, cute panties, and I plan on wearing eyeliner and jewelry too.
I miss the ponytail option a bit, but I'm enjoying the "fuck you" gesture more.
So thank you Janet, Theresa, and Brandi, and all you other short haired home girls. Thank you for keeping it real and everything else you do! Much love.
Cheers to confidence, short hair, and the middle finger to help ring in the New Year!
Sorry for all the self photos, it's to show the evolution of hair, I promise!
My current cut is just a bit shorter, but I don't have a photo to share, and I won't be taking one for the blog post because I'm a hot-still in pajamas-mess, and I plan to stay that way until its time to get ready for the NYE party.
If you've been debating on going short, and you never have before, I say DO IT! It's just hair, it will grow back, or you may find you don't want it to. It's liberating, not to mention it feels better with scarves and in the summer. You will love knowing the feel of long AND short hair, and how each make you feel.
Chop chop!
Happy New Year!