1. I am thankful this last surgery is going so well. There is a new light down the road to brighten a journey that was a large and difficult part of the last year of my life.
2. I'm thankful for the extra time I have had with my husband. Even though the time off has come with some other struggles, him being here and taking such good care of me, taking on my typical duties, and being a dedicated part of my recovery has made all the difference in the world to me, and my hip!
3. I am thankful for friends of all kinds, old, new, and close, and just close enough. The exchange of loyalty and support is irreplaceable.
4. I'm grateful for being a stepmother. It can be a tricky job, but it is crucial and rewarding. I'm lucky to have the closeness that I do with my step children, especially as they are getting older. We have a mutual love and respect for one another that keeps our bond tight. I choose to be a mother to them, and they chose to accept me as one. They have a special spot in my heart.
5. I am thankful for my children. I carried three precious babies and have them here with me day after day. I've learned so much from them, about love, about living, and about innocence. I learn about myself just by seeing myself in them, and I learn about independence by seeing their unique personalities blossom every day. They will always be that twinkle in my eye and that fullness in my heart.
6. I'm thankful for my husband. Not everyone finds the significant other that balances them so well. The love and respect we show to each other comes easily. Trust feels equally natural to the both of us, so all that is left is to appreciate and enjoy each other.
7. I appreciate the quiet time I get to myself. Whether it be sipping my coffee on the front porch, knitting in the sunshine in the backyard, or just some reflective moments I get for me to collect my thoughts, those moments are vital to who I am.
8. I appreciate my sister. We have shared so much. We shared a childhood, we shared parents, we shared fun memories, and heartbreaking pain. We were, and are, by each other's side, always. We understand each other in a way that no one else could, and that is something special.
9. I am thankful for my mom never hesitating to tell me that she is proud. Some people are left wondering, but from her, I always know. I'm sure that has played a role in my confidence.
10. I am thankful for my family's health. Besides a few surgeries, and the kids having asthma and allergies, we are a healthy tribe.
11. I am thankful for Pandora. I love Pandora, to pieces.
12. Netflix too, I love Netflix, to pieces.
13. I'm thankful that my youngest child still says some words wrong. Like, saying a "w" sound instead of the "L" sound. "Wowypop" Or how he calls my crutches "crunches".
"Mom, here is your crunches so you can crunch at Walmart." Too cute
14. I'm thankful for people who "get it". Those people who have it figured out, how to be themselves and enjoy others for who they are.
15. I'm thankful for foul language. Sometimes there is nothing better to express your feelings than some good old fashioned cursing.
16. I'm thankful for my past, even the parts I'm not fond of, they have made me who I am today.
17. I'm thankful for all the new options of non-dairy creamer. I am no longer limited to the typical chemic-filled kind or soy.
18. I'm thankful for my new super short haircut, because it practically manages itself.
19. I'm thankful for my step-dad. He never over stepped, and he's always been there for me, especially the last few years when I've needed him the most, whether he knew it or not.
20. I'm thankful for Pete's coffee. Need I say more?
21. I'm thankful for every dream I have about my dad, because I wake up feeling like I spent a little time with him.
22. I'm thankful for spiders. Just kidding, I fucking hate spiders! (See also #15) they make me fear for my life irrationally.
23. I'm thankful for the cat that hangs out on my front porch and sometimes naps on our brick pillar, but never shits in our yard. Way to be cool, cat.
24. I'm thankful for the mini heater by my bed. I'm a real puss about the cold and it makes bedtime all cozy again.
25. I'm thankful for hard times. They suck, but they are humbling and remind you of your strength and what truly matters.
26. I'm thankful for tolerance. It certainly isn't everywhere or in everyone, but the more tolerance we project, the better human race we become.
27. I'm thankful for family. Family can be so many things. They can bring joy, stress, happiness, judgement, irritation, and smiles, but there is always a beauty to family. They are your people.
28. I'm thankful I'm almost to #30. This is a long list and I'm starting to see why they break it up into a daily post.
29. I'm thankful for my small-ish town. I enjoy the community we live in and being a part of it, rather than just living here.
30. I'm thankful for truth. All the truth around me. True people, true lessons, true meaning, true possibilities, and true worth.
Peace out November, it's been thankful. Hello December!
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