Friday, December 21, 2012

Liebster Award Nominee!

My blog was nominated by my wonderful new cousin Lili!  I need to answer her questions below, then I can  nominate 11 blogs as well, throwing them 11 questions to answer.

Check out her blog!

My questions for my nominees:

1. What’s your favorite food?  Yikes!  I love food in general, but lately my favorite is homemade soups (mostly veggie) and roasted white sweet potatoes. I've recently fallen in love with quinoa.
2. What inspired you to start your blog?  I felt I needed an outlet. I have random things to write and share and had been encouraged by friends and family.
3. What’s on your Christmas list? I just want a new pair of slippers, the dog ate mine months ago.
4. What is the fear that stops or slows you down? Judgement
5. You just won an all expenses paid vacation anywhere in the USA, where are you going?  I want to see a pretty southern state...I'd head to NY
6. You just won an all expenses paid vacation anywhere in the world, where are you going? I'd have to see France.
7. What movie never fails to make you cry?  I seem to cry at everything these days.  I'd have to say Fried Green Tomatoes.
8. Have you ever considered going vegan? If you’re already vegan, tell us why. If you’re not, tell us why.  I have considered becoming vegatarian.  I don't eat much meat as it is and sometimes go without for periods of time when it tends to gross me out.  Vegan has crossed my mind. I sure would miss eggs and cheese.  I'm willing to look into it though.
9. Do you have any companion animals? Dolly, my red headed pit bull.  She is my sweet girl, my jogging partner, my body gaurd, my cuddle bug, and my love. She's a great dog, sweet demeanor, and is protective over the kids.  She is inside all day, hanging out on the couch, watching the kids play and following me around. 
10. Last really good laugh you had, what was so funny?  For some reason I can't remember, I remember it was recent, and between catching breaths I said "I think I just peed a little" was that funny, but its gone I guess.
11. Favorite soda?  I'm not a big fan of soda, but I would say a good cream soda.

Thanks Lili!

Just Jenny's questions to the next nominees:

1. What got you blogging?
2.  Tell us something about yourself that we probably don't know.
3.  What event in your life has changed you the most?
4.  What is your favorite meal?
5.  What position do you sleep in?
6.  What language are you interested in learning?
7.  If you were going to start a business, what would it be?
8.  If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?
9.  What was your favorite field trip as a kid?
10.  If you were going to change your name, what would you choose?
11.  Do you snore?

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