An update on our path to greener ways:
We have now been without paper towels for a while. It's much less scary than I had thought. I have to admit, we did have a some napkins laying around, but those are gone now too. I have plenty of hand towels, old receiving blankets, burp rags, and cloth diapers that were never used for that purpose to replace them.
I never realized just how often I was laying down a paper towel to prepare peanut butter sandwiches on...almost daily! Now they get a plate instead. We have a dishwasher, so it's not like I have all this extra work to do with more more dirty dishes.
My homemade cleaner is working out well. The vinegar smell exits quickly and the lemon scent replaces it. My goal is to get rid of all the household chemicals by the end of next week, replacing them with either homemade non-toxic remedies, or store bought natural products. Looking forward to it!
The next step will making sure our hygiene products are paraben free. I've done this in the past, but fell off the wagon due to how expensive it can be. This time around I'll be looking into some recipes to make our own for some things.
I've been using my bags at the grocery store! Thanks to Devon's suggestion of putting them by the little one in the vehicle so that I can grab them when I grab's working, thanks Dev!
I'll keep you posted on our greener path!