Becoming a stay at home mom was a huge change in life. Raising children is difficult, worth it, but lets be honest, it's difficult. I worked 40 or more hours a week, commuted home, picked up my kid, rushed to get dinner made, then it's bath time and almost bed time. Not a lot of quality time with my boy.
Staying at home added unbeleivable amounts of tasks to that list. I also added more children to the list, and lets not forget the two hyper dogs.
I dived head first into my children. I want them raised with manners, passion, confidence, I want them to question the world and everything in it. Most of all I want them to know themselves, really know who they are and what they love and what they do not want in their life, what makes them happy, what hobbies drive them, and how they like to relax. By knowing yourself better than you know anything else is the best way to get what you want out of life and live it to the fullest degree.
I want that so bad that I started to loose that in myself. At least I recognized it and tried to focus on me a bit more. I am so busy it's hard to find time for things for just me. If I'm not doing things for the kids I am spending time with my husband or getting things done.
I finally found something that has shown me some grace.....Pinterest!
Okay, so I complain about my husband playing video games and I guess Pinterest would be similar, but I have it and it is mine! I can look at pretty things, I can learn things, I can show them to other people, I can just sit, relax, and browse "stuff". Last night as I lay in bed listening to my husband play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 in the backround on his PS3, I lay there with my iPad, browsing my search for "vintage dishes". I cannot beleive the calming happiness that came over me. Looking at these pretty dishes made me smile, I felt at peace as I repinned several of my favorites onto a new board I titled "dishes". It was like I was walking through an antique shop, but I was cozy in bed.
Then I thought of more "stuff" that I like and the searches began....french vintage, vintage tins, I repinned as much as I possibly could before I knew I had to get to bed, since I have to get up early with the baby, and Dominique would be sneaking in to my bed at early morning hours making it impossible for me to roll over or even adjust my position in any way. I had to get my sleep.
Pinterest does not take me from my family either. I sit and indulge in quality pinning with my daughter, she loves to click pretty stuff and search for cakes and cupcakes. Even my husband will check out pins of DIY projects. It's a family thing, but still, it is mine.
There is nothing on Pinterest to frustrate me or piss me off, I haven't yet found one pin on Pinterest that made me even think about rolling my eyes.
I have a hard time doing much of anything for longer than maybe 15 minutes, so it doesn't take over my life, it is the perfect time slot of repinning and browsing of the pretties to remember there is stuff I like, that does not involve my children (besides my kid boards I pin to of course).
I feel like I have been REPINNED!
Happy Pinning!